Lein Law Offices

Personal Injury - Workers' Compensation - Social Security Disability - Bankruptcy


Common Causes Of Bankruptcy

These are the most common causes of having to file for bankruptcy.

At Lein Law Offices, we understand that even the hardest working people can encounter very difficult financial situations or even just run across some bad luck. As Hayward area bankruptcy attorneys, we are mindful that the need to file bankruptcy is often caused by major events in life — job loss, or a medical problem, for example.

Our skilled bankruptcy attorneys are dedicated to helping you get back on your feet after a financial downturn. We offer Chapter 7 bankruptcy services that allow you to eliminate your debt and start anew on your finances.

If you would like to learn more about bankruptcy options, call our law firm at (715) 634-4273.

We Provide Bankruptcy Solutions

Since 1983, our law firm has helped people obtain bankruptcy solutions. While times have changed, many things have not changed. Often, clients come to us for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 128 help due to the following:

  • Unexpected job loss: Particularly in today’s tough economy, it is not uncommon to be laid off with little or no warning. Unemployment benefits can only keep things afloat for so long while you search in vain for work. You may be forced to live off of credit, quickly falling into a cycle of endless debt.
  • Loss in business: Business owners can experience a drop in business, especially during difficult economic times when customers are cutting their personal budgets. Our lawyers help business owners file Chapter 11 bankruptcy, allowing them to keep their business running during the process.
  • Medical problems: Costs associated with a major illness, a serious injury or the onset of a disability can quickly eat away at even the most lucrative of incomes, leaving you facing home foreclosure or repossession of your vehicles.
  • Car accidents: If you were at fault in a car accident, your insurer will cover up to a certain limit. However, if you are sued for personal liability, you may end up owing much more than you are able to pay.

Whatever type of situation you are in, our skilled attorneys are ready to help. We provide compassionate, effective bankruptcy services that help you address your financial problems and get a fresh start. Contact us to schedule a consultation. We represent clients in cities that include Stone Lake, Cable, Minong, Spooner, Rice Lake, Superior, Ashland, Weyerhaeuser, Winter and Ojibwa.

Free consultations  Flexible office hours and appointments  In-home and hospital visits available  Call us toll free at (800) 944-3949.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.